Category: World Championship 2023

  • DeepNash surprises top Stratego players

    DeepNash surprises top Stratego players

    During the 2023 world championships in Amsterdam, participants could play against the Google DeepMind AI named DeepNash. Although DeepMind had already published that they won a high percentage of games on Gravon last year, the world championship was the real test against the world top. During the four days of the Amsterdam 2023 events, players […]

  • Google DeepMind Stratego & AI opening World Championship 2023

    At Thursday 10 Aug 13:00-13:30 Julien Perolat, research scientist at Google DeepMind will be opening the World Championship with a speech about their research project relating to Stratego and Artificial Intelligence. Perolat is a lead author of the article in Science in December 2022 about “Mastering the game of Stratego with model-free multiagent reinforcement learning“. […]

  • 24th WC Stratego 2023

    In 2023 we celebrate 65 years of Jumbo Stratego in The Netherlands. The Dutch Stratego Association ( will organize the World Championship Stratego in Amsterdam in August. Players from all over the world will be joining the Classic World Championship and possibly some side events in the heart of Amsterdam and compete for the world […]